
Vegetable Tian Recipe

This is a great Martha Stewart recipe that makes a wonderful vegetable side dish.  It's easy and really you can add whatever vegetables that you might have in the refrigerator.  Or at least that is what I did.  And it turned out great and was a hit amongst the men.  I could hardly believe it.  Especially coming from my husband...

I think the fresh rosemary that she recommends would be amazing, but I happen to have fresh basil on hand instead and it happens to be my favorite herb and it was incredible on the dish as well.  

Recipe from Martha Stewart


  • 1 head garlic, separated into cloves with all but 1 clove unpeeled
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 1 yellow squash, about 6 ounces, thinly sliced crosswise
  • 1 small Japanese eggplant, about 6 ounces, thinly sliced crosswise
  • 1 zucchini, about 6 ounces, thinly sliced crosswise
  • 4 plum tomatoes, about 1 pound, sliced lengthwise 1/4-inch thick
  • 1 medium red onion, thinly sliced crosswise
  • Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper
  • Sprigs of thyme, rosemary, oregano, or marjoram


  1. STEP 1

    Heat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. STEP 2

    Halve the peeled garlic clove and rub bottom of a large baking dish with the cut side of the garlic. Coat the bottom of the dish with 2 tablespoons oil. Arrange vegetables in dish, alternating them and overlapping them. Season with salt and pepper as you layer the vegetables. Scatter herbs on top and drizzle with remaining oil to coat generously. Add garlic cloves evenly over the top.
  3. STEP 3

    Bake 25 minutes, then baste vegetables with oil from pan, and continue baking until tender and browned, about 25 minutes more.


Wednesday Wishlist

I want to wish my Hubby and baby daddy a very very HAPPY BIRTHDAY today!!!  We can't wait to celebrate with you!!

We have a fun evening planned tonight with a few friends at our house and will continue the celebration this weekend as lots of friends are coming to town for Mardi Gras.  

And.....this little guy became mobile this week and it's time to get moving on the baby proofing! I posted a couple of items below that I know we are desperate for but can you please share with me some of your other tips, tricks, and recommendations for baby proofing your home???  I would appreciate it greatly!

This is for the stairs in our house.  I hope it works well and isn't insanely annoying, but I guess we have to do whatever it takes to keep our child from plummeting down the stairwell.  

Do any of you use one of these??  This one is called the North States super yard. I need a place that baby is CONTAINED.  I sit him down on the floor and get side tracked in less than 30 seconds and next thing I know he has already learned to climb in the fireplace.  

Want to join us!?!?!

 - Post your Wednesday Wishlist 
- Grab the button and link back to both of our blogs: Home of Malones AND Pamper & Pearls 
- Link up starts on Wednesday at 8am EST- Share your favorites and click around and meet new friends and comment on their lists! 
-Also, please help us promote our link up! Use the hash tag #wednesdaywishlists on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. (Tag us on IG: @pamperspearls and @homeofmalones) (Twitter @mtike and @aladams4). Tag us and we’ll re-tweet!

<a href="http://homeofmalones.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i745.photobucket.com/albums/xx100/morganteichert/WednesdayWishlistButton_zpsb02e6410.png" alt="HomeofMalones" width="125" height="125" /></a>


Six and Seven Month Favorites

I'm a little behind on these favorites as Brody turns 8 months old this week, but here they are.  I noticed they pretty much all have to do with bath time, eating or teething; but that is basically what we have done for the last couple of months.  

I was so excited to start feeding Brody "real" food and we did that the day he turned 6 months old.  From then, we have tried different things that make life easier for feeding.  I wouldn't say that Brody took to eating really ambitiously... In fact, our first meal was quite the disappointment.  I expected him to feel like he was getting something decadent, but instead he made terrible faces and didn't eat very much.  We started with sweet potatoes and we have tried lots of different fruits and vegetables now.  Some meals Brody scarfs the food down and other meals he could care less about eating.  He certainly doesn't take after his Mother in that respect.  I never miss a meal :)

Bath time has always been part of our nightly routine and has only gotten more and more fun.  He sits in his little bath ring and now can play with toys and enjoy some bath bubbles.  
Six and Seven Month Favorities

Boon Highchair - When I first started feeding Brody, we didn't have a high chair and I would just feed him in the bumbo.  I always felt like he was too distracted and that's why he wasn't being a great eater.  This Boon highchair was quite the game changer.  Now he knows it's meal time, its a great fit and he can't reach anything else around him.  It's super easy to clean and has small wheels on the bottom so it is easy to move around.  We love it.  
Baby Bath Tub Ring - This was a great transition from his baby bath tub we used.  He grew out of the baby tub and I wasn't ready to sit him up in the big tub all by himself since he was still a bit wobbly.  
Boon Bath Toys - We received these in a Citrus Lane box and love them.  He uses them as teething toys as well as bath toys.  They float and stick to the walls and provide great entertainment!
Hylands Teething Tablets - These seem to work almost instantly and have been a lifesaver many of days.  I tried one myself first just to see how quickly they dissolve and it's within a second.  It's amazing.  
Baby Bjorn Bibs - Easiest wipe down ever and great food catcher. Plus no extra laundry. Enough said.
Infantino Spoons - Brody seems to do better with these spoons connected to the food pouches. He likes to feed himself and he can grab a hold of the pouch better than a regular spoon I guess.  They are great for feeding on the go as well and come with a carrying case. 
Activity Walker - These activity walkers are fantastic because they can be used sitting down first before your baby can start standing or walking.  He loves to sit in front of ours and play with all the gadgets and colors. 
Ella's Kitchen Baby Food Pouch - Let's be honest here.  I had every great intention of making lots of baby food of my own, but besides a mashed banana or avocado, it has all been organic pouches.  They are soo easy! I made my first big batch of homemade sweet potatoes today that I was very proud of, but how boring.....the poor kid will hate sweet potatoes by the time he is done eating it all.  I love the variety that the pouches provide.  More than I can ever put together....

What is your baby loving these days???  I'm always looking for new entertainment for this kid that has about a 3 min attention span....


Five on Friday: Mardi Gras

It's already Friday again (yay!) and I'm linking up for Five on Friday with DarciAprilChristina and Natasha.

{One}  Mardi Gras

I live on the Gulf Coast and have family in New Orleans and was born there, so I always grew up around Mardi Gras.   I do realize that not everyone is as familiar with this holiday though.  We look forward to Mardi Gras every year and now that we live in Pensacola, we partake in a local parade here.  The parade is next Saturday and is always a fun all-day affair.  

Have you ever been in to a New Orleans Mardi Gras or had any desire to go see what it's all about??

 {Two} A Mardi Gras Dinner Party

My husbands birthday is this Wednesday and I'm planning to have a few couples over for dinner and have a fun "Mardi Gras" themed dinner party.  I found some really cute FREE printables below too.  

Free Mardi Gras printables via

{Three}  The Old Fashion Cocktail

Of course I need a signature cocktail too and the first drink that came to mind is the Old Fashion.  Although I haven't been able to enjoy bourbon since college, I know the rest of the crowd will love them!

1 sugar cube
2-3 dashes Angostura bitters
3 ounces bourbon whiskey
Maraschino cherry for garnish

Place the sugar cube at the bottom of an old-fashioned glass.
Saturate the cube with bitters.
Add one orange slice.
Muddle these ingredients.
Fill the glass with ice cubes.
Add the bourbon.

I'll share pictures next week of the party!!!

{Four} On another note, Julia Ryan from Pawleys Island Posh ran a Polyvore contest a few weeks ago that I entered and I thought I would share my creation.  It is for a chance to win a $500 gift card to Serena and Lily and two winners are selected.  I have entered one before that Megan at Honey We're Home hosted too.   Her theme was "Sexy Glam."  You can see my board here.  I always have a lot of fun creating them and it would certainly be a bonus to win a S&L gift card.  

Updated Traditionalist: Bedroom Style

Barbara Cosgrove drum shade light / Indoor outdoor rug / Zebra rug / Serena Lily patterned bedding / Leopard home decor / Home decor / Fabric flower / Diptyque french home decor / Serena Lily white headboard / Blue accent chair / Storage furniture / Moroccan Pouf Gold / Serena & Lily Rip Matteson

{Five} Our hometown hosts a really fun event once a month called Gallery Night.  They shut down Palafox Street which is our main street in downtown Pensacola and all of the shops stay open late and everyone can walk the streets and browse the stores, bars, or restaurants down town.  The weather has warmed up for us this week and we hope to take a stroll out our backdoor and down Palafox tonight...


Wednesday Wishlist : Spring Favorites

We had an amazing glimpse of spring weather yesterday and it was glorious!! It has me so excited and ready for spring and summer this year.  I am over this cold weather in Florida, so I know everyone north of me is completely fed up with these snow storms.  Hopefully these spring favorites on my wish list today give you something to look forward to as warmer weather approaches us....

Link-up with Morgan and I and let us know what you are wishing for this week!


Gap is offering 40% off with code DEALFORU and they have some great new spring items in that I love.  This dress has me pining for Spring!

I own these pumps in the neutral color and I absolutely adore them.  They are so comfortable and chic and I would love to own them in another color.  Jcrew is offering 25% off shoes, jewelry and bags right now with code LOVE.

This snood is to die for.  I adore the colors and the aztec print and would love to own this for spring.  

This print is so funky and fun and the dress is made out of neoprene.  It has amazing stretch and is honestly perfect for a small baby bump or one with a great flat tummy!

 I'm still not sure yet that I will be sporting a bikini yet this summer, but if I do, I adore this sporty Mara Hoffman top and bottom.  How awesome is the back? 

Want to join us!?!?! - Post your Wednesday Wishlist - Grab the button and link back to both of our blogs: Home of Malones AND Pamper & Pearls - Link up starts on Wednesday at 8am EST- Share your favorites and click around and meet new friends and comment on their lists! -Also, please help us promote our link up! Use the hash tag #wednesdaywishlists on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. (Tag us on IG: @pamperspearls and @homeofmalones) (Twitter @mtike and @aladams4). Tag us and we’ll re-tweet!


Baby Brody : Month 7

I'm way behind this month on getting Brody's update together, but hopefully I'll catch back up next week when he turns 8 months!! January was quite the hectic month for us!

Weight:  20lbs maybe...you were 19lbs at your 6 month appt and we don't go back until 9 months.  I measured you around 28inches, but that could be off.  

Clothes: You are wearing pretty much everything at least 9 months plus...

Sleep:  We were a bit all over the board this month as your schedule was chaotic between the holidays, the move to the new house and your Papa Bear's death.   We definitely had some unpredictable nights where you would wake up at odd hours.  The nights that were good, you slept from 6pm which continues to be your bedtime and you are up at 6am.  You now can entertain yourself and play in the crib for about 30 min or so which allows us a little more time in bed too!

Feeding:  We have experimented with lots of new foods this month.  You tried your first "real" food the day you turned 6 months old and we have been having some fun with it ever since.  Some days you do much better at it than others.  You started with sweet potatoes and since we have had bananas, avocados, squash, green beans, pumpkin, blueberries, and more I'm sure.  All have been pureed.  I had good intentions to make your food, of course, but with everything going on in our lives, you were lucky to get what you did :)  The organic baby food pouches certainly came in handy!

Your crib and your new nursery at the new house
Sitting up on your own and playing
Going out and about (grocery and Target shopping are some of your favorite outings)  
Standing up while you are holding on to something
Putting things (blankets, stuffed animals, diapers) on top of your head that cover your eyes - Peek-a-boo 

Getting out of the bath
Most of your diaper changes 
Getting dressed
Not being able to figure out how to crawl

You say DaDa all the time
Scooting and being on all fours, but still no crawling
You saw snow for the first time 
Eating food
You notice and reach for everything in sight
Your new cousin, Bear, was born! 

Places You've Gone:
We went to your friend Olivia's 1st birthday party
We went to Ocean Springs for the baby Ridgeway girls baby shower - you also got to meet Ella Statham for the first time

Auntie Alex stayed in town for a whole week after Papa Bear's funeral
Amelia Kate spent 2 nights with you during the "ice" storm in Pensacola.  You had your first bath with a girl.  
You met and saw a lot of friends and family during the events for Papa Bear's funeral.  

I'm linking up with Kristin at Mama and Mou today for her Baby Talk link-up!


Scenes from our Weekend : My Sister-in-Law's Baby Shower

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's weekend.  We had a fun weekend planned with a trip down to Tampa, Fl for my sister-in-law's baby shower.   We made it a family affair and had a little weekend vacation.  Brody experienced his first plane ride and his first stay at a hotel.  We stayed at an amazing new hotel in the area called the Epicurean.  It is very well-designed and incredibly decorated.  It looks like it came out of a Restoration Hardware catalog.  We loved it.  

I'll let the photo's do the rest of the talking...

Brody excited about the flight

Brody asleep during the flight

Friday night (Valentine's night) we all had dinner over at my Brother and Sister-in-Law's house.  It was laid back and simple.  I loved it.  Brody got to stay up late and play too.

One of my dearest college friends got to meet Brody for the first time on Saturday.  Her and her boyfriend met us for brunch at the hotel and then she joined us while we got our nails done and got in some extra Brody hugs.  

Sunday was the day of the shower and it was perfect.  My sis-in-law is the cutest little pregnant gal ever.  She's so tiny and just glowing!  Her sister and good friend put the shower on and I loved what they did.  They bought wooden baby hangers and colored sharpie markers and everyone could decorate a hanger to the new baby.  It was fun to see everyone get creative.  

Me and the SIL

Brody enjoyed the shower too!  He had so much fun playing with the two other kids at the party.  I swear we need to adopt another baby for a few hours every day because they help keep this boy entertained for hours.  It's fantastic.  The good news is that I don't even have to adopt one because my brother and SIL are moving to Pensacola this weekend!!!!! I can hardly believe it.  Their baby boy will arrive in April and he and Brody will be best buds!!


Wednesday Wishlist : My Birthday Edition

It's my birthday today!! The big 2-9!  

And here's what I'm wishing for today:

 A day at the spa...

and dinner here.

That's it.  It should be a low-key, relaxing day.  We are headed to Tampa this weekend for my sister-in-laws baby shower and more celebrating!  It will be Brody's first plane ride.  I can't wait!!

Want to join us!?!?!
- Post your Wednesday Wishlist
- Grab the button and link back to both of our blogs: Home of Malones AND Pamper & Pearls
- Link up starts on Wednesday at 8am EST- Share your favorites and click around and meet new friends and comment on their lists!
-Also, please help us promote our link up! Use the hash tag #wednesdaywishlists on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. (Tag us on IG: @pamperspearls and @homeofmalones) (Twitter @mtike and @aladams4). Tag us and we’ll re-tweet!

<a href="http://homeofmalones.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i745.photobucket.com/albums/xx100/morganteichert/WednesdayWishlistButton_zpsb02e6410.png" alt="HomeofMalones" width="125" height="125" /></a>